Rogier Wolf



To achieve the highest level of quality in all I do—that is important to me. This means swift reactions, clear language and accurate research. At our firm I create partnerships between entrepreneurs; I contribute to corporate structuring and solve shareholder disputes. I also assist directors and supervisory directors in liability cases. Besides this, I lecture at the University of Maastricht and do research. I greatly enjoy this combination of theory and practice. Students profit from my experience in the field, while clients benefit from my broad knowledge and quick thinking. Luckily, this combination of theory and practice is embedded in the DNA of our firm.


  • corporate law, specialised in flex-bv’s and non-voting capital participations

  • non-voting stocks, certificates with and without meeting rights, participation certificates

  • structuring companies and capital participations

  • advising shareholders and litigation in shareholder disputes

  • corporate litigation

  • liability of directors and supervisory directors

  • advising and drawing up commercial contracts

  • setting up partnerships between entrepreneurs

  • lawyer’s lawyer for lawyers and notaries

Education and Career

  • PhD thesis on ‘De Kapitaalverschaffer zonder Stemrecht in de BV’ (The Financier without Voting Rights in the BV); published in Serie vanwege het Van der Heijden Instituut, vol. 116, Deventer: Kluwer 2013)

  • Postgraduate specialist course Business Transfer in SMEs, Grotius Academy (2008, cum laude)

  • Attorney since 1999

  • Law, University of Leiden (1997)

Additional positions

  • Assistant professor of Corporate Law, Institute for Corporate Law, Governance and Innovation Policies, Maastricht University

  • Assistant professor of Corporate Law, training as Register Controller (RC), School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University

  • Lawyer-editorial member of Advocatenblad

  • Chairman of the Editorial Board of TvOB